
Organization:            National Honor Society – Franklin High School

Address:                   12000 Reisterstown Road

                               Reisterstown, MD 21136

Advisor:                    Brian Sommer, National Honor Society Advisor ([email protected])

                                12000 Reisterstown Road

                               Reisterstown, MD 21136


Size of Organization:  70-75 Members, Ages 16-18

Organizations            - Franklin High School

Supported by Group  
- American Heart Association
- St. Jude’s Research Hospital
-Baltimore Hunger Project
-Baltimore Humane Society
-Maryland Veterans

Franklin High School’s National Honor Society chapter is a student led organization focused on service – in the school and in the community.  While the National Honor Society stresses Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Character, our chapter has chosen to embrace the service component in order to meet the growing needs of our school and local community. 

Franklin High School’s National Honor Society is committed to the local Reisterstown community as well as giving to the city of Baltimore and state of Maryland.  At the state level, the National Honor Society partners with the Baltimore Hunger Project to make weekend snack bags for children and kids in the Baltimore region. Additionally, Franklin’s NHS chapter handmade pet beds for cats and dogs to donate to the Baltimore Humane Society.

In the local Reisterstown area, we support Maryland veterans by making and sending cards with thanks and praise around Veterans Day. Locally also, the National Honor Society hopes to reactivate our support of our Community Crisis Center.  Before COVID, our members helped The Reisterstown Community Crisis Center which provides aid, particular in the way of food, to our community.

In the Franklin school community, the National Honor Society encourages school wide giving and runs the peer tutoring program.  While our members find service to be important, we have dedicated ourselves to increasing the school’s commitment to giving via our Flannel Fridays Program.  Staff and all FHS students wear flannel clothing on certain Fridays throughout the year and collect donations that go to the American Heart Association. Beloved staff member Mr. Greg Fuhrman passed away from a heart attack in 2021, and Flannel Fridays are held in his honor. Another way National Honor Society promotes giving is through local fundraisers like one held at Sunset Slush in Glyndon in May of 2023 which gave all proceeds to St. Jude’s Research Hospital.

In addition to encouraging school wide service, the members give back to our school community by running our school peer tutoring program.  Each Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday morning, members of the organization meet in the school library from 7:00-7:35 to help students with study skills, homework problems, or organization.  These members are selected based on their friendly demeanor as well as strong content knowledge creating a welcoming environment for struggling students.

You will also see National Honor Society members at Franklin High guiding incoming 9th graders at Early Entry Day in August, assisting parents at Back to School Night in September, and ushering at Senior Awards and Graduation in the spring.  

Application Information for 2023-2024 School Year

10th, 11th, and 12th graders with 3.30 cumulative GPAs after MP1 will be invited to apply to the NHS for the 2023-24 school year. There will be an info session after school in December 2023 where advisor, Mr. Sommer, will give out applications and answer questions. Qualifying students should receive invitations through their homeroom teachers. Please see application sample for requirements beyond 3.30 GPA.

Click Here to access Sample NHS Application
Click Here to access FHS's NHS Constitution
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