Health Suite Forms & Information

Health Suite Forms & COVID-19 Information
Posted on 08/19/2025
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Health Suite Forms & COVID-19 Information

For up to date COVID 19 information and BCPS plan, please use this link.

A few reminders from the FHS Health Suite: 

Please complete the “Consent for Administration of Approved Discretionary Medications and Health Contact Information” form found on this website and will be distributed on the first day of school in homeroom.  It is important that every student return this form on the next day of school as it provides the nurse with updated health information; also, discretionary medications (acetaminophen, cough drops, etc.) will not be administered to students without it. 

If your child will need to take medications (other than those listed on the form noted above) in school, the “Parent’s Request to Administer Medication in School” form will need to be completed and signed by a physician and signed by a parent or guardian.  This includes any prescribed or over-the-counter medications (Midol, Aleve, etc.).  With the exception of inhalers and epi-pens, medication may not be carried by students.  Any student who carries an inhaler or epi-pen must have one of the noted forms, signed at the appropriate places, on file in the nurse’s office.  All order forms and emergency protocol forms are available on this website.

Summer is a good time to get a physical/eye/dental exam.  It is also a good time to make sure all immunizations are up to date. All students will need to provide proof of immunization for Tdap and Meningitis on or before the first day of school.  If you need immunizations, please call your child's doctor or the Baltimore County Health Department at 410 887 2705 to make an appointment. 

If there have been any changes in your child’s health needs or concerns, please alert the school nurse.

Also, please make sure to update your emergency contact information by calling the school 443 809 1119. 

Nurse E-mail:  [email protected]

Nurse: 443-809-1124
Nurse Fax443-809-3370

1. Discretionary Meds Form
1. Administración de Medicamentos Discrecionales

2. Asthma Orders Form

3. Medications for Students in School Form

4. Emergency Protocol

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